About the Database

Frequently Asked Questions About the Indiana Architecture Database:


Why are these particular buildings on the database?

Each entry on the database contains a “Significance Statement” explaining why the building is worthy of recognition.  It could be one or any combination of the following factors – that the building:

  • -Is connected to historically significant people or events,
  • -Is the work of renowned architects/designers with prominent reputations beyond Indiana’s borders,
  • -Utilizes novel building technologies or materials in unique ways, or was a forerunner in this regard,
  • -Is a prime example of a particular architectural style, being either one of the first, one of the last surviving, or simply one of the best…


How were the buildings on the database chosen, from among the many works of architecture in the State of Indiana? 

The Indiana Architectural Foundation, in coordination with a team of historic preservation experts and archivists, developed a set of criteria to be satisfied in selecting the first round of buildings posted in the database.  This criteria included:

  1. The buildings were notable through some combination of the Significance factors listed in the paragraph above.
  2. The selections would be broadly distributed across Indiana.
  3. The selections would include a range of building types (Civic, Educational, Religious, Residential, Infrastructure, Healthcare, Office, Etc.)
  4. The selections would represent diverse architectural styles and time periods.
  5. Enough information had to be available to complete the standard template seen on each posting.
  6. The initial 50 sites would try to avoid the excessive duplication of buildings already well represented in other archives (The City of Columbus, e.g.)


Will More Buildings Be Added?  What is the process for submitting an application?  

The Indiana Architectural Foundation will continue to add buildings to the database.  The IAF will primarily concentrate upon adding historic buildings, and will be accepting applications for the consideration of new buildings to be added to the database.  Details and requirements for these applications will be forthcoming.